
The Thing About Risks? They Represent Exactly What You Think You’re Capable Of.


You hear this statement all the time in the business world, ‘Take it to the next level.’

When you take it to the next level, it’s assumed you’ll be blowing up. Stepping up. Expanding. Going global.

But how?

What does ‘taking it to the next level’ really mean?

For a lot of people? It’s more money.

It’s thinking about taking that $47 product and putting a $247 price tag on it.

Or dreaming up a $10,000 package of some kind, and having 50 people buy it––just like that––without doing any extra work.

I’m the last person to argue with money aspirations. I LOVE money. But I don’t think the price tag is what ‘taking it to the next level’ should be about.

‘Taking it to the next level,’ should be about raising the stakes on yourself.

Because the truth is––anything you love to do, you can do better. A lot better!

– So what do you want to do better?

– What will challenge you?

– What have you been putting on the back burner until it feels safe to pursue?

You’ll get to them when you have enough time. Or enough money. Or enough clients.

But really, you’re waiting until you have enough guts.

‘Taking it to the next level’ means taking risks.

And that can be very scary. And also super fun!!

But here’s the other thing about risks––they represent exactly what you think you’re capable of.

So when you take a risk to push your business ‘to the next level,’ it’s not about switching up your price tags. It’s about taking what you LOVE to do––and doing it even better than you ever thought possible.