
Unlock the Je Ne Sais Quoi Factor (How Being Fully Yourself Can Make You a Success Magnet)


Have you ever noticed that the most confident, alluring people-and-success-magnets have a certain je ne sais quoi about them?

Often they aren’t the people with the most “flawless” appearance or perfectly styled hair, makeup, or wardrobe.

But they exude a quality that makes people (and things, and opportunities) gravitate toward them.

That quality?

It’s that they are fully themselves.

But it’s not just their appearance that differentiates these people, or makes them magnetic to others.

It’s the fact that they simply ooze their own personal brand of “ME-I-Love-To-Be”-ness.

(Not the “Me” others want them to be.)

They’re unapologetically themselves, in all their flawed, fascinating glory.

And they’re not letting anyone else’s opinion or expectations prevent them from being out there, going after and getting what they want in life.

Ten years ago, you could get away with not fully showing up as yourself, and you could construct an “alter ego” on your social media feed by having a carefully selected set of branded photos that may or may not have represented the real you at all.

Today, with video taking over social media, anyone whose personal brand doesn’t line up with the “persona” they’ve created on their Instagram feed is going to be left behind.

(Or worse, they’ll be afraid to put herself out there to begin with!)

For example, if you look like Gwen Stefani in your brand photos, but you show up on a live video looking a lot more like Gwyneth Paltrow, there’ll be a huge disconnect for the people in your orbit.

Both of these ladies are undeniably gorgeous––and they couldn’t be more different in terms of their personal brand.

Neither is better or worse. Each of them is simply being fully herself.

This is what a personal brand does.

It reflects the TRUE you. 

No one who really looks, acts, lives and loves like Gwyneth Paltrow is going to be happy trying to force herself to be like Gwen Stefani. And vice versa.

A personal brand LIBERATES you.

It gives you…

  • Permission to be as good as you know you are.
  • Permission to live the life you know you want to live.
  • Permission to do things the way you know you want to do them.

And it allows you to get out there and be SEEN in the world.

I’m not talking about dancing and pointing on Instagram.

Although if that’s your thing, then that’s exactly what I’m talking about!

In my own personal brand, I was terrified that potential clients wouldn’t take me seriously if they knew about my stripper past. 

But I never felt comfortable living a lie. And it held me back. ​​

It wasn’t until I broke out of the mold of a “prim, proper, and professional” coach… Everything changed for me.

Being fully self-expressed has brought me a life unknown to my former self.

You must own your power to be exactly who you want to be, personally and professionally––so you can create your life exactly the way you want it to look.

Cultivate your true personality in every area of your life.

Define who you want to be and consistently show up in your life as that person.

Have the confidence, courage and commitment to be fully, unapologetically, unforgettably self-expressed.

Do all of this in a systematic and consistent way––and watch as the world gravitates towards you.