

Your points-of-view should fit you like a glove.

They should be Timeless.



Alluring, (and possibly overtly Risqué).

And make your business the must-have choice for your customers.



Your name in lights.

Sounds too good to be true?

I’m here to tell you –  Business dreams (do) come true.

The community is awesome reading about other creatives sharing their wins, struggles and receiving support. I loved reading everything and stalking other’s wins which motivated me to stop slacking and move. – Jacinta Amutsa

Anytime I seek the services of someone who has been through The Morning Whip and I say “Erika sent me in your direction” I receive a warm and friendly reply, and we have a mutual frame of reference from which to operate. We know we are both in it to win it and up our games. Erika’s vast network is amazing! – Susan Burns

Erika Lyremark, the gift that keeps on giving! I just hired someone I met in The Morning Whip in 2012.- Star Monroe

Erika has an intuitive mensa-like grasp of business. And coming from a corporate background (Chanel and Tiffany), I wanted to work with someone who understands what it takes to succeed, in a creative and compassionate way. – Holli Thompson

You should join The Morning Whip if you want an accountability program that helps propel you to take action––in an unabashed way to move the needle forward. There’s this list of 50 bold moves that’s perfect to get the juices flowing, and Erika’s presence for support and accountability is enormously helpful––not to mention, she’ll give you extra support and send you additional guidebooks to help you achieve your bold moves. The Morning Whip is incredibly inspiring to keep you moving forward. – Charlene Mac

I was a business owner of almost 14 years, organized, self-motivated and successful. What was I thinking? I had just made the decision to close my business, pursue another, and I couldn’t get over this intense feeling that I needed to get ‘whipped’. My intense feelings were soon relieved. Erika has this amazing ability to invite us into this secret world where we immediately feel at ease, at home, inspired and loved. Whatever level of business you’re at, Erika creates an uplifting environment where friendships are made, business relationships are formed and work gets done! I was deeply supported through a life-changing business transition from Erika, and I could never put a value on what I learned and absorbed working with her. Worth every penny. Worth every minute. Erika is forward thinking and on the move. – Lorri Weissen

I love the fact that Erika talks money with no hesitation. This is so refreshing. She assumes her (largely female) audience isn’t in business for self-actualization or for an altruistic high. Entrepreneurs want to earn cold hard cash and she makes no bones about the fact that The Morning Whip is ultimately aimed at getting participants to up their profitability vs. rolling around in a field of puppies that smell like fabric softener. – JM Henderson

Erika has the charisma of a Superstar. The smarts of a Mogul. The instincts of a Maverick. Lyremark Magic should be experienced first-hand. If you feel drawn to work with her, listen to that voice. I did, and it was one of the very best business decisions I have ever made. – Victoria Roller

You should do The Morning Whip because it helps you see yourself as you really are, your true talents and unique value you offer the world. And it feels more gentle than the name would imply. It’s also the best accountability program for doing the bold things you have always thought of but never took action on. Erika is right there with you the whole time with direct access to her years of business building and coaching experience. – Natasha Wozniak

A dose of Erika is like Viagra for your confidence. Her fearlessness rubs off on you and you can’t help but want to take risks. – Natalie Lussier

I swear she sprinkles magic fairy dust in the air before getting on the line with her clients. You just can’t be in Erika’s presence and NOT make tons of progress in your business. That IS what I loved about the idea of Morning Whip… I felt like I had a bunch of ideas but I was hesitating, and I wanted to insert myself where someone would kind of push me to do the things I knew I was capable of. – Helen Hunter Mackenzie

You should do The Morning Whip because the world is chaotic. We are all doing our best but it’s hard to make traction, right? Well, Morning Whip is a magic container, it accelerates, supports, sees where you are stuck and gets you into motion, action and energy. From Erika as the facilitator with a laser sharp eye and deep belief in you to being in community––I think it’s even more essential now than ever. And it’s so individualised, personal and focussed. Erika isn’t afraid to call people in on their favoured excuses because she really cares about our success. – Grace Quantock

Why do Morning Whip? Because Morning Whip gives you tons of inspiration, focus and accountability. (I even––finally!––got on TikTok because of Morning Whip.) I found the conversations to be honest and also very focused, without a lot of fake hype which was a huge relief and breath of fresh air. And Erika’s consistent response and encouragement in the group was *really* appreciated and so helpful! Erika will not feed you platitudes and lead you on, like many online biz influencers or coaches. She’s been around, seen it all, and will tell you straight what she thinks about your business and approach (eg, with offers, etc). No BS, straight shooter with awesome stories to share that help and also get you going — always so worth it! (I have literally told this to women ;>) – Kimberly Arana

You should sign up for The Morning Whip because it holds you accountable to doing the thing you say you’re going to do. There are these amazing audios that give you TONS of ideas for bold moves. I’m a fantasy photographer and erotic artist and I got so many fresh ideas for my business that I would have never thought of if it wasn’t for The Morning Whip. I got inspired to visit venues for my next gallery showing, I applied for business grants, I streamlined my website, updated my Instagram, and hired someone to edit my photos (something I had never thought of before Morning Whip). Also, when Erika is coaching on the live calls, she really listens to what’s being said then cuts through the fluff and fine tunes what you need. Oh and the community. WOW! It’s so fun to make bold moves with a group of other entrepreneurs cheering you on. – Katy Rayne

You should sign-up for The Morning Whip because it’s a concentrated, momentum-generating 3 week long program to help kick your a** and get you doing the things that will make a difference in your business now (not later). The Morning Whip is unlike any accountability program out there. It was edgy, fun, felt exciting and challenging in all the right ways. There were options instead of must-dos, and everything was immediately applicable. Erika asked me if I had any suggestions for improving The Morning Whip, and my honest answer was: Nope. It was excellent! I’m in for the next round- whenever that is. – Asha Wild

You should do The Morning Whip because it helps you see yourself as you really are, your true talents and unique value you offer the world. And it feels more gentle than the name would imply. It’s also the best accountability program for doing the bold things you have always thought of but never took action on. Erika is right there with you the whole time with direct access to her years of business building and coaching experience. – Natasha Wozniak

There’s something about Ms. Lyremark that puts me in action so fast that it even makes MY head spin. Before Erika: I always thought of myself as pushing to do better, always striving … and always challenging myself, but the second I entered her world, I realized I was only flying my flag at half mast. It’s like she sees something that I can do and then pushes me to figure it out. – Anne Samoilov