

X – Your Product (Or Service)

X – Your People

X – Your Personality



Work with me in TripleXpert, and I’ll show you how to:

: Create a simple, yet elegant product or service that virtually sells itself.

: Zero in and serve those people who are dying for what you offer.

: Style & sharpen your product or service, so that it’s a direct reflection of you.

: Infuse your product or service with your voice, your values & your unmistakable edge.

: Give the world a taste of your genius––and create a fever of anticipation.

: Cultivate unshakable belief & trust in your work––by tracking results & raking in testimonials.

: Learn to design offers that matter. Today. Tomorrow. Forever.

And master your messaging. (One that you can’t wait to share all over social media.) Oh, and did I mention, perfect your pricing? Yep, you’ll nail that too.

(You can use this for the life of your business!)



If you’re not weaving your imagination into your products or services, you’re overlooking a key ingredient for a winning product or service. 

This isn’t meant to sound harsh, but in a world packed with similar offerings, it’s your unique imagination that will set you apart.

Much like how I turned my edgy past into a best-selling business book, Think Like A Stripper. Endorsed by Barbara Corcoran, Dan Pink & Tory Johnson and adored by thousands of fans from India to Bulgaria. (If that’s not a testament to the power of jumpstarting your imagination, I don’t know what is!)

Injecting your wild imagination into your products and services is the key ingredient for a winning product or service.


If you’re having problems selling your product or service, I want you to get this. You don’t have a sales problem. You have a confidence problem. Specifically a product confidence problem.

So what is product confidence? The unmistakable knowledge that what you do matters and makes a HUGE impact.

This is why product confidence is everything

Because when you genuinely make an impact on someone’s life and transform it for the better, they will be your red-carpet ambassador for life.

They will buy everything you offer and beg for more. They will brag about how they “discovered” you, over Sunday brunch and mimosas. They will make TikToks about you. Share Instagram Stories about you. And fly across the country to meet you.

And if you participate in TripleXpert the way that it’s designed, by the time I’m done with you, you’ll have loads of product confidence!


Relying too heavily on customer avatars, ideal client profiles, and demographics can steer you away from your true perfect customers, especially if you’re still in the product development stage.

Instead, in TripleXpert, I share my counterintuitive strategy that focuses on designing for the individuals you genuinely want to serve, rather than a generic category or a lookalike audience suggested by platforms like Facebook.

This involves conducting a ‘customer edit’ to uncover the core of who your perfect people really are––a process so effective that you only need to do it once in your business.

And you’ll be creating the single most important piece of marketing collateral to attract perfect customers at multiple touch points, which will be relevant for the life of your business, no matter how many winning products or services you introduce.

I did this once in 2010, and thirteen years later, I’m still working with my perfect people 99% of the time! That’s how effective this design strategy is!


The world doesn’t need any more ordinary products and services. And the thing about ordinary products and services? NO ONE CRAVES THE ORDINARY. So what do you really want to say? And why aren’t you saying it?

In this TripleXpert design strategy, I’ll give you the confidence to state your viewpoints and then shape them so they deeply resonate with your unique product or service.

You’ll discover the 3 key secrets to crafting compelling viewpoints that swiftly attract your perfect people. And I’ll also show you how to effectively present these viewpoints in the marketplace––so you feel excited and proud to share how you think.

Let me help you say and do––what you really want to say and do––so you can stop second-guessing and doubting your genius.

The peer pressure to be average is intense.

But when you develop strong viewpoints, you know what you believe. You know what you stand for. And you have the courage to do things your way.

State your viewpoints loud and proud. Then use them to shape the world according to YOU.


When you’re honest with yourself about your true creative aspirations and focus on developing products and services you’re confident in delivering, you don’t need extensive months of planning and ‘proof of concept’ trials to develop offerings that attract raving-fan customers.

This becomes especially true when you utilize my exclusive “10KQ” technique, a potent tool designed to instantly heighten customer desire for your product or service.

This approach streamlines the process, cuts any lingering clutter, and guarantees your offerings are not only high-quality but also highly sought-after. Your perfect people will want your products and services NOW––not later.

You’ll also be so aligned with your winning product or service, you’ll have a spidey-like-sense in how to outplay, outsmart, and out-create your competitors.

And if you want to be a leader in your industry, my “10KQ” technique will push you to the top!


When you create like an artist, your ideas pour out of you––it feels glorious, true & right. But you want to make money too. LOTS OF MONEY! Unfortunately, having a cool, hip product isn’t enough to be successful. You have to understand why it WILL sell & why it WON’T sell.

This is where my exclusive “Profitable Five” comes in––a set of five critical criteria designed to help you design your product or service to sell in a competitive marketplace and jumpstart its appeal.

– You know that saying, “Sell them what they want, give them what they need?” This first criteria will help you uncover exactly what they want––so you can give them what they need.

– The second criteria helps you design a product or service that spoils YOU, the creator. You’ll get paid MORE, by offering LESS! Doesn’t that sound dreamy?

– The third criteria gives your perfect people the confidence to make a purchase. (The last thing you want is a grumpy customer with buyer’s remorse leaving unfair reviews about the product or service you created from your heart & soul all over social media!)

– The fourth criteria gets your customers in the mood to buy (and you won’t even have to give them dark chocolate or red roses to seal the deal!)

– The fifth criteria will do the selling for you. (I don’t normally promise my clients a magic bullet, but if I did, this secret would be it!)



Determining the perfect price for your product or service isn’t something you can just leave to the whims of a Magic 8 Ball. Pricing is a nuanced strategy that blends analytical thinking with intuitive understanding––a domain where I proudly excel.

I see entrepreneurs try to heal self-worth-wounds by charging more before their business is ready to. The popular thought is that if you charge more, you’re showing the world your worth. 

But here’s why that thought process is wrong. 

Pricing isn’t about owning your worth. 

It’s about solving problems, delivering value, changing your customers’ lives. And implementing a comprehensive sales, marketing, and promotional strategy to earn your wealth with waitlists and sold-out products and services.

When it comes to pricing, you can’t fake confidence. 

That’s why in TripleXpert, I’ll show you …

– How to have integrity & confidence in your pricing, and the simplest way to instantly multiply the value of your product or service

– My 4 controversial viewpoints on pricing––and why they work like magic to increase revenue

– Why ‘charging what you’re worth’ is the kiss of death to profits––and my foolproof 3-step formula for exactly how to price instead

Once your product or service is fine-tuned to deliver tangible results, arriving at the right price becomes a straightforward decision.


Your product or service messaging isn’t meant to be a static, one-liner that never evolves. That’s so 2012! In 2024 you must create messaging that not only showcases your offerings but also pulsates with the heart & soul of your brand. It’s must have your unique energy––dare to be different.

An integral part of this process involves living your message every day. The more you embody the essence of your message in your daily life, the stronger your confidence in your product or service grows. And sales always follow confidence in your product or service!

Delving deeper, in this design strategy there are three critical questions that will uncover the Oprah-worthy messaging for your product. And you’ll learn how to get your perfect people just as freakishly excited about your product or service as you are!

And here’s where it gets exciting: In TripleXpert, you’re not just getting a handful of messaging ideas.

I’m giving you 37 messaging ideas that you can use on your website, offer pages, paid ads, social media, webinars, presentations, and more. These 37 ideas will multiply themselves––helping you create literally hundreds of marketing messages over time.

Crafting the perfect messages for your product or service is an exciting, never-ending adventure. It’s all about mixing creativity with consistency.

In TripleXpert, we infuse fun into this process, developing messaging that springs directly from the awesome results your product or service delivers, keeping it vibrant, catchy, and irresistibly engaging!


In these workshops I’ll be …

– Answering questions on the TripleXpert design system & strategies

– Coaching you on crafting your winning product or service

– Bringing in my 30+ years of business experience––confidently generating millions of dollars in sales––to help you create your own winning product or service. Ultra-Flattering. Competition-crushing. Packed with your personality.

Plus, I’ve got a knack for inspiring entrepreneurs to get off their booties and get to work. There’s a reason they call me The Daily Whip

All workshops are recorded (to capture our collective genius) and emailed out that day––so if you’re unable to attend? No worries. You can catch up on the go.


It’s awesome. You’ll receive private “voicemail” type messages from me where I will share my thoughts on your product or service, give you new ideas about what to do next, and inspire you to go further than you’ve ever gone before with your business. And you can leave me these same kinds of messages asking for clarification or just sharing new ideas you may have for your product or service. 

Plus, I’ve got a knack for inspiring entrepreneurs to get off their booties and get to work. There’s a reason they call me The Daily Whip, you know…


During our time together, you’ll create a product design brief––a mini business plan that keeps you focused and on track.

With your customized Product Design Brief in hand, you’ll be able to:

  • Artfully overcome objections so you can close the deal at pitch meetings
  • Expertly promote your product or service on podcasts & interviews in a way that doesn’t sound salesy
  • Masterfully talk about the results you get for your customers in sales conversations (which guarantees a higher-close rate)
  • Develop competitive promotional strategies that outshine, out-create, and outplay your competition
  • Write clear, compelling, and competitive sales pages

And craft comprehensive marketing plans that convert. Instead of posting and praying.

Your Product Design Brief will give solid direction on where to take your product or service for the life of your business!


You’ll turn in a rough draft of your Product Design Brief. I’ll go through it with an editorial-eagle-eye to make sure that your product or service is highly results-oriented. You’ll then have one more opportunity to update your Product Design Brief and have me review one more time so it’s absolutely perfect!

TripleXpert is a personalized experience where you have access to my brain, heart, time, and energy. I create customized solutions for you based on my 25+ years experience of building successful businesses (and generating millions of dollars in sales). I also tailor my strategies to your unique needs and ideas to help create your own perfect product or service. Ultra-Flattering. Competition-crushing. Packed with your personality.

I’m 100% confident that you will design a winning product or service in TripleXpert IF you put in the commitment required to succeed.

If you ask questions on all 6 of the LIVE workshops and turn in a completed Product Design Brief by February 23, 2024, and are not satisfied with your results, you will receive a full refund within 5 business days. Your refund request must be made by November 22, 2024.

Here’s the fine print: Refunds will not be issued for changing your mind. I don’t accept excuses or want excuse makers in TripleXpert. If you struggle with commitment, don’t sign up. TripleXpert is for serious entrepreneurs.


Let’s make your product or service impeccable.


Swoon worthy.

Purposeful & profitable.

Results oriented––and revenue driven.

Packed with your personality.

Designed for your perfect people.

NOVEMBER 4, 2024 – NOVEMBER 22, 2024

Early Bird Pricing Until October 18, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

It all sounds so amazing, right? But, maybe you still have some questions…

When your product or service feels as unique as you are, you feel confident & clear about what you’re doing––and where you’re going.

– Marketing, selling and branding your product or service will feel easy, natural and elegant. No need to check your real personality & values at the door.

– You’ll have exciting product messages. Ones that you can’t wait to share all over social media.

– You won’t get bored or second-guess yourself. You won’t worry that you’re doing it wrong. Because your product is a direct expression of your genius––flowing with inspiration and originality.

– You’ll experience a newfound trust in yourself. Bold. Editorial. Decisive. (You might even feel sexier!)

– Decision-making becomes easier because you know exactly what you’re up to and where you want to go––even if it goes against what everyone else in your industry is doing.

– You’ll know your worth in a way you never have before. Negotiating will become easier because you’ll naturally select opportunities based on your chosen path, rather than thinking you need to jump on everything out of fear.


First, I literally eat, sleep, and breathe business ideas.

Everywhere I go, I see endless opportunities for people to create winning products and services––or improve on their existing ones.

(Just ask my massage therapist, my hairstylist, or the owner of that swanky boutique two blocks from my place!)

And over the past 12 years, I’ve created a successful business coaching consultancy by learning how to design, market, sell, and deliver my own winning products and services.

More importantly, though, I’ve honed the process into a simple formula that’s so effective that any entrepreneur can duplicate it.

Pair that process with my natural business genius…

(Genius I used to transform myself from an ex-stripper, to co-creator of a multi-million dollar commercial real estate investment company, to author of a bestselling book…Google it.)

And you’ll walk away with a winning product or service that will change everything in your business (not to mention a process for future services and products.)


‘TripleXpert had a profound impact on my life. I feel more aligned with my mission, vision, values and purpose than ever.

Before, I was known as a revenue strategist and business model designer…which, although respectable, didn’t fully capture the essence of my capabilities. Through TripleXpert, I was able to niche down and embrace the opportunity to own the space of helping female small business owners scale with subscriptions.’

Kadena Tate, Subscription-Business Designer, 50 Shades Of Paid

‘Within 3 months, the return on my TripleXpert investment was exactly 490%. For years I’d been dreaming about creating a high-end certification program where I would teach and mentor copywriters, designers, photographers, and other creatives in how to develop and curate personality-based brands. I just didn’t know if it was possible to duplicate my 18+ years of agency and industry experience with brands like Madonna, Aerin Lauder, Melanie Duncan, Kira Hug, and The Author Incubator into a cohesive program that would get results for my mentees. That is until I did Erika Lyremark’s TripleXpert. During our 3 weeks together, she helped me take my giant list of ideas, whittle them down to the essentials, and develop a 9-month curriculum where I know my students will soar. Better yet, I’m not just mentoring them in brand development and creative direction, I’m giving them additional tools and strategies that they can then go and implement in their own businesses to raise their prices and make a name for themselves. Erika is a mastermind when it comes to taking a complicated idea and making it marketable and salable. I filled the MirrorBrand Certification Program in one week with no sales page, no pitches, and no public announcements. TripleXpert is definitely not for everyone. But if you have a burning desire to create a stand out product or service that you can scale, I highly recommend you work with Erika.’

Sarah Ashman, Creative Director & Style Maker

‘Before TripleXpert, I was just posting + praying. And in the year since I completed TripleXpert, I have tripled my revenue. I don’t know how I ever did business before TripleXpert. And the truth is I knew I wanted to have more sales, but I don’t like being told what to do by other people (a driving force for being an entrepreneur for me) so the thought of hiring someone to help me strategize was distasteful. What I didn’t realize was that Erika doesn’t TELL you what to do – she leads you to your correct answers – unveiling what you need to do to make your business successful. She’s not your run-of-the-mill business advisor who dishes the same advice to everyone. She’s truly a master at seeing your genius and unfolding it for you and into a do-able plan.’

Adeline Arjad Cook, CEO, Love Love Tennis

‘In my 10 years of being a master life coach, Erika’s one of the few people I’ve allowed to French Kiss my Business. And this is why I turned to her TripleXpert to help me create Charm The Room, a program that helps women feel more connected, confident, and captivating in any social situation. Since launching the Charm the Room in 2018, over 1,500 women have been through the program with stunning results. TripleXpert is not just another feel-good business development program. Erika makes sure that your product delivers results. I’m living proof of that.’

Tonya Leigh, Founder, School Of Self-Image

‘Before TripleXpert, I packaged my business ideas based on what I was seeing others do. I had big ideas in need of consolidation and focus. I was flailing and hoping for the best. Erika helped me build a unique programme that’s built to last, Everyday Wonderland. Finally I have a sturdy business model and no longer have to start from scratch over and over again – as I’ve been doing for years. Without TripleXpert, there’s no way Everyday Wonderland would be as clear, simple, and purposeful as it is now. Erika helped me pare it down to the essentials: defining its unique strengths and leaving out what I felt like ’should’ be included just because I was seeing it done elsewhere. Now I feel confident when I talk about Everyday Wonderland and when I pitch it to potential members. TripleXpert is an experience as fun and high fashion as Erika’s Instagram exemplifies, with her superpower being high fashion business tailoring: spotting your unique strengths and ideas, and tailoring your business offering to that sweet success spot. TripleXpert’s strength is that it is utterly individual, with eyes on you and your business. Sign up for TripleXpert if you’re ready for clarity, focus, and confidence. Business doesn’t have to be as hard as you’re making it. The best part is, Erika demands that we have fun. Somehow, that’s where the best ideas lurk anyway.’

Xandra Sunglim Burns, Everyday Wonderland

‘To be honest, I didn’t think I needed TripleXpert. I knew what I wanted to do. But I was a mess. Don’t do what I did. I wasted a ton of time & energy thinking I could do it on my own. Seriously consider THIS cycle of TripleXpert. It was an intense 3 weeks. Erika makes you think about your business in innovative ways that I had never heard about and holds you accountable to get the assignments done. It’s perfect for you if your mind is clouded with chaos and overwhelm and you feel stuck. Erika will get you on the right path to success in just THREE weeks.’

Nadine Padro, Social Media Strategist & Digital Marketing Expert

‘TripleXpert is created in such a way where everything starts falling into place.

I feel so confident in my product that it’s hard to explain. I’ve never felt this way about any of my services in all the years I’ve been in business. I now understand what she means about people not having sales problem…when you know your product to the core selling it becomes not only easy but super natural. I hadn’t even finished polishing my sales page and I sold 3 spots for my Instagram Obsession program. I will never ever create another product or service without doing TripleXpert. If you feel nudged to work with Erika, do it. I promise she’ll change your life forever.’

Agustina Palacio, Founder, Instagram Obsession

‘Before TripleXpert, I had a million ideas for how I wanted to coach women to expand their influence and authority. A million ideas and one huge problem: I couldn’t get all my brilliant brain-children to play together. Now I have extreme confidence that my program, Portfolio, will help countless women build better businesses, meatier movements, and kickass careers. Because a world where more women lead is a better world indeed!’

Lela Davidson, Author, Blacklisted from the PTA & Creator of Portfolio

‘It would be impossible to overstate how much Erika’s sharp insights and coaching have helped me. During one call she helped me create my signature offer, The Exceptionelle CMO—a move which took me from hustling for $300 sales to having more than $11,000 of (easy) retainer income. That kind of revenue stability and income growth has been life changing. Erika’s ideas and marketing acumen are stunningly simple and amazingly effective. Working with her has had a better ROI than I could have ever imagined.’

Hunter Niland Welling, Marketing Consultant for Luxury Service-Based Brands

‘Because of Erika and TripleXpert, I uncovered what’s really holding me back—product confidence. I knew her program addressed this problem, but I didn’t actually think I’d work through it in such a short amount of time. Erika taught me to embrace something I already knew…not all copy editors are created equal. I’m the right choice because I make editing copy effortless. If I hadn’t signed up for TripleXpert, I’d still be second guessing myself. And Drool Worthy Copy? That would still just be a pipe dream.’

Autumn Tompkins, The Grumpy Grammarian, Copy Editor

‘Before TripleXpert, I was frustrated and ready to “break up” with my business. But then, I did TripleXpert. Erika asked me exactly the right questions so I could look at my offerings with a fresh perspective. And then she helped me design my new program, You Are A Babe: A Monthly Membership to Lose Weight, Feel Good About Yourself, + Look Great In Photos. In the first week of launching & promoting You Are A Babe, I gained 20 new members and 10,000 new Instagram followers. The amount of reposts, interview opportunities, and shares of the program exploded.’

Betty Jean Bell, CEO, BeingBadass, Body Confidence Model + Coach

‘Because of TripleXpert, I developed the 3 Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive into a simple product that delivered clear results to my clients. Now when I’m on sales calls people immediately get why they need the 3 Word Rebellion Messaging Intensive. What’s really amazing is they start selling themselves on it during the call. Sales are *finally* easy, quick, and fun. I have a product that I am freakishly excited about. I feel invigorated in my business. Most importantly, I’m making the difference I want to make in the world. Having Erika on your team seeing your genius helps you create something even better than you could dream up on your own. People will WANT it.’

Dr. Michelle Mazur, CEO, Communication Rebel, Founder & Creator of the 3 Word Rebellion

‘Erika teaches product confidence as the core element that boosts sales. Her motto is: You don’t have a sales problem you have a product confidence problem. The day after my cycle of TripleXpert came to an end, I booked a new long term private client who is a delight to work with. And 11 days later another private client who is a pleasure to coach. (And my sales page wasn’t even up!). TripleXpert worked it’s magic with barely any marketing effort, just by giving me the inner certainty of the value of what I was offering in other words product confidence!’

Karen Vago, Genetic Eating Expert

‘I was stuck with messaging, communicating value, and figuring out a sustainable business model that also fits my style. Erika gave me back my confidence–and my wings. She saw my powers and the potential of my offering, immediately: How needed it is, whom it will serve best, how to make it work. Her lessons are invaluable. Her advice unexpected. Her work ethic and communication style, unparalleled. Although she looks overpowering (whip n’all), in fact, she empowers YOU. (And she has great taste in pop culture.) For the first time, I experienced what a real co-creator and success partner feels like. I’ve never gotten this kind of support from anyone (online or off), and all that in the shortest amount of time, and in spite the worse time zone difference possible.’

Monicka Clio Sakki, Creative Director | Brand Expert | Self-Expression Coach

‘Erika knows how to reel you in and focus exclusively on the present. And how your product is going to be successful moving forward. What surprised me most about TripleXpert was how after just a few group calls, the clarity that I got for my product was incredible. I was way overthinking. And Erika helped me find the TRUE PURPOSE of what this business model is and how to make it extremely successful.’

Kendra Lambert, CEO, Kendra, INC.

TripleXpert? I wasn’t sure I needed to spend the extra money on another program … not to mention the time. But, it turned out to be the best investment I have made so far. Participating in TripleXpert helped me gain clarity and streamline my offerings. And, that was just the foundation for more to come. I have a plan that works, and the clarity shows in my revenue. Don’t wait. After you participate, you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. TripleXpert is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day.

Susan Burns, Lawyer & Founder, Small Business Legal School

‘In TripleXpert, Erika helped me leverage my years of experience into a teachable program called Marketing for Introverts. It’s simple, repurposable, and gives me clients results. Erika challenges you to go deep. Deep into the benefits of your services and to give you 100% product confidence. Without TripleXpert, I would have never been able to leverage my experience and turn it into my very own marketing framework, which is so simple and it gives me an even bigger ROI on my time, energy, and sanity investment.’

Sandra Pilarczyk, Business Mentor for Introverts

‘Thanks to TripleXpert and Erika’s guidance, coaching and wisdom I have created the platform of my dreams and I’m so excited that I love working on my business every day. And THAT IS NOT SOMETHING I was accustomed to in the past.  She helped me find the confidence and right energy to intentionally create ShaktiBOMB. I’ve gone from dreaming about having sold out programs to making it a reality and I could not have done it without TripleXpert.  And it feels AMAZING!’

Katie Kozlowski, Energy & Embodiment Coach
