

Copywriting Cleavage


Did you know the P.S. is the most read part of any communique. 

It’s a great place to add in a note. 

(Think of it as the cleavage of your communique.)

Everybody peeks.


P.S. Told you so :)

Say NO To Business Crushes


Ever idolize another business? Fangirl over another entrepreneur who’s achieved the level of success you desire?

Here’s my sharp viewpoint…

  • Admire their attributes.
  • Be inspired by their work.
  • Get ideas from them when they’re brilliant and aligned with you.

BUT, don’t worship them.

When you crush on someone else, you give away your power. And …

– Weaken your imagination

– Diminish your confidence

– Kill your drive

You may know that I admire Tory Burch. Like a lot! I even worked my contacts so she got a copy of Think Like A Stripper in her hot little hands.

She created a fashion empire without a background in business or design. And started it from her kitchen table while on maternity leave making cold calls while her three sons were napping. She’s thoughtful, methodical, and patient. All attributes I adore.

But, as much as I look up to Tory Burch, if I saw her in a restaurant, I wouldn’t pass out from excitement. I’ve got my own thing going on. 

And so do you!

Instead of crushing on someone else’s business… how would your life change if you were obsessed with your own business? It’s a lot more fun to exclusively reserve that level of excitement for your own work.


Do Your Marketing Efforts Feel Like You’re Trying To Raise The Dead?


If your dream is to sell a luxury product––do not spend your time hanging out with people who don’t value opulence. They’re not interested in your pure ingredients, expert craftsmanship, or fierce attention to detail. 

– Stop courting them. They’ll never understand.

If your dream is to educate people about miracles––do not waste one minute talking to folks who are convinced the earth is doomed. They’re not interested in hope, faith, or the power of love.

– Stop trying to dazzle them. They’ll never listen.

If your dream is to help people heal––do not squander a single second on people who are determined to play victim. They’re not interested in change, in transformation, or feeling better.

– Stop reaching out to them. They’re dead wood.

It’s not your job to change people. 

It’s your job to inspire, motivate, and enchant those who are already on your team.

Team Luxury

Team Miracles

Team Healing

Preach to the choir. 

Your choir.

An exclusive choir who hangs onto every note you sing.

They get you. They want you.

There are over 2 trillion galaxies.

Trust that the Universe you want to play in already exists.

All you have to do is open up. And allow it to come through you.