
The Power Of Naughty


What part of YOU are you hiding?

Keeping pent up. Or shoved down. Just in case it’s not quite acceptable. Or so you think.

Your inner hippie?

Your inner glam girl?

Your inner smarty pants?

Your inner bad girl?

Your inner woo woo?

Your inner nerd?

Your inner artist?

Your inner dominatrix? (Oh. Come on. I can’t be the only one.)

How does it feel to squash yourself down?

To make yourself properly acceptable to anyone and everyone who comes through your (virtual) doors?

Let’s be NAUGHTY and invite her out to play,

Because being YOU––all of you is POWERFUL.

The kind of NAUGHTY that gets you noticed. 

– Original.

– Adorable. 

– Fascinating.

So NAUGHTY that people can’t stop talking about you.